What is the difference between ordinary Shared Hosting and Managed VPS Hosting?

The difference between ordinary Shared Hosting and Managed VPS Hosting is that in Shared Hosting you will be sharing system resources such as processors, memory and disk space, with other users on the same box. This is quite sufficient for a lot of web sites, because the resource use of moderately utilized sites is usually pretty small. Under those circumstances, Shared Hosting is a perfect fit and reduces the cost of hosting for each customer.

Who needs Managed VPS Hosting?

Some web sites need greater or more reliable access to system resources, or better scalability in case of growth, than can be guaranteed in the Shared Hosting environment. This can be the case if the website gets a lot of visitors, if it serves out unusually heavy data or if high reliability and service levels are required for some reason.  With Managed VPS Hosting, you have access to your own, private system resources (VCPUs, RAM and disk space) and don't share it with other users like you do in Shared Hosting. This arrangement offers a very stable running environment for sites with greater resource needs, but also offers much better scaling in case of growth, better data on system resources usage and more customization of the environment, than can be offered in ordinary Shared Hosting.

When should I move to Managed VPS Hosting?

If you need more fine-grained control of your hosting environment or more information on the system resource usage of your site, you may want to select Managed VPS Hosting. In Managed VPS Hosting the entire environment can be customized to your needs, and you do not share the system resources with other users like in Shared Hosting, so other users’ usage will not impact you or your site. If you are expecting a lot of growth in the usage of your site, if you need very stable system resources or shared resources are not convenient for your needs, Managed VPS Hosting could be the way to go for you.

How do I upgrade from Shared Hosting to Managed VPS Hosting?

1984 systems administrators will migrate your site to the new environment at no cost to you.

Is Managed VPS Hosting more complicated to use than ordinary Shared Hosting?

Not at all. All the same control panels and easy-to-use configuration systems are the same on Managed VPS Hosting as it is on the familiar Shared Hosting platform. You will get access to additional customization options and much more data about system resource usage, but you can go on in exactly the same way as before if you choose.

How to order?

To order managed business hosting you need to register, click the button below to go to the registration form. If you have any questions regarding this product send us a request using the contact form, or a direct email to 1984@1984.is!